Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Very Special Episode of Dirty Larry The Hobo

Greetings faithful followers,

A warm thank you for everyone who waited patiently for the next installment of the thrilling series of Dirty Larry the Hobo comic strips.  This strip is dedicated to everybody fighting the good fight up at Wall Street right now.  Love and respect to all of you.

Written by Q. Norris, Illustrated by B. Norris

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Brand Spankin' New Poem!

It’s Raining Outside
By Quentin Norris

It’s raining outside
Can you hear it?
It’s been quietly drizzling for years
But my ears have finally heard its call

What started as a few drops
Has now become a steady pitter-patter
On this tin roof
Rusted over by time

That pitter pitter-patter
Became an outright downpour of water
Now it’s finally a monsoon
Not showing any signs of stopping

The ground outside is all muddied up
And the water level is rising, still
Up past the doorstep
Over the windows
This whole place is underwater

How can you still not see?

It’s raining outside
Are you going to let it in?
If you open up those doors
We will all surely drown
These doors will swing wide
And turn into broken floodgates

Frothing waves will pour inside this establishment
And it will fill every inch and every corner of this old wooden house
Nothing will be left untouched
Everything will be swept away
Including you, even I

What would happen
If you opened that door?
And let all that water you’ve been trying to ignore
Inside our house?

The water lifts you
With invisible hands
Pour into your mouth
And fill every organ
Every vein of blood
Until you are consumed by this typhoon

I’m still feeling thirsty

Can you hear that?
Do you hear that?
It’s a faint little drip, drip, drip
From the cracks of the roof
The structure can’t take much more
The water outside is getting too heavy

Are you going to let it in?

It’s raining outside
Can you hear it?